Dawson James
July 2024
This performance was recorded at the Book Ferret bookstore. Raised in Rockingham County, Dawson James is a 24-year-old singer-songwriter and producer whose music is rooted in country, folk, and Americana. Beginning as a drummer, he quickly developed his talents into the guitar and piano. Dawson uses his upbringing and personal experiences as inspiration for his heart-felt music.
Set List
0:15 – “Carolina Queen”
2:45 – “Thank God”
6:20 – “All Your’n” by Tyler Childers
Follow Dawson James

Let’s Talk, Dawson!
During this session I learned that while he’s been a musician from a young age, Dawson only recently fell into performing as a vocalist. He describes it as something he never truly considered but people seem to like it and that’s what propels him forward as he gigs around town.
He majored in percussion and then spent a year in hot and sticky, but beautiful, Louisiana. He worked in a music studio, landscaping, and installed security cameras. But, the pine trees were calling and that’s how his song “Thank God” came to be. So about 2 years ago he moved back home.
Music has gotten him out of some dark places and he’s not sure where he’d be with out it. He definitely feels gratitude for the way music can heal.
His guitar has a lot of sentimental value and if you see him performing he’ll even let you sign it, and that just adds to its value.
His trio Ski Patrol is picking up steam and he just wants to make music (maybe even an album) and see where the wind takes him.
In this Soul Session he played two originals:
“Carolina Queen”
A sweet if not mournful tribute to all those Carolina girls that make your heart beat a little bit faster. Inspired by…a friend (hoping there’s a story there that makes for another great song)…and, of course, all you Carolina girls.
“Thank God”
The refrain in mind when Dawson decided it was time to leave Louisiana and head back home. There’s always a reason to go home and this song captures almost all of them.
“All Your’n” by Tyler Childers
Who doesn’t love a good Tyler Childers cover? Well add this one to your list.
One way or another, these songs were inspired by this month’s featured artist. Enjoy!