Emanuel Wynter
December 2024
Emanuel Wynter, vocals and violin; Nero Tindal IV, guitar; Curt Keyz, keyboard
This performance was recorded at the Book Ferret bookstore.
Hailing from Charlotte, classically trained violinist and songwriter Emanuel Wynter is taking ears and stages by storm with a distinctive sound and a lively, high-spirited stage presence that is infectious to everyone in the room. Taking influence from artists such as Anthony Hamilton, Leon Bridges, and Gary Clark Jr., Emanuel’s sound is a unique, vibrant, and expressive blend of R&B and Rock that manages to be raw in emotion and refined, sonically. He finds a way to sing, not only through rich and soulful vocals, but through his electrifying violin playing that is, at times, quite reminiscent of electric guitar. With dynamic musicianship and sincere lyricism, Emanuel Wynter is sure to keep your toes tapping and your soul singing.
Set List
0:10 – “Stranger”
3:31 – “If Only Time Can Tell”
9:00 – “Electric Feel” by MGMT and “Dreams” by Fleetwod Mac
24:05 – “Beyond Belief”
Follow Emanuel Wynter

Let’s Talk, Emanuel!
Emanuel and his band are just plain fun. They’re obviously talented but their musical connection takes their performances to another level. I’m sorry to say you that simply can’t capture it by video, but you can feel their energy sort of take you over when you’re witnessing it live. It’s like this ongoing joke and deep camaraderie centered around the music. And they’re kind enough to let us in on it.
We typically record sessions before the Book Ferret store opens, but we were running late and on this particular morning there were patrons in the store mid-session. So, when the guys started playing their cover of “Electric Feel” by MGMT the magic had already started to weave its way around the space. It’s kind of like this spell that you don’t want to break. And just when things were getting going, a customer slipped behind the band to check out the history section of the book store. Later we joked it must be an extremely compelling collection for this man to be undeterred by this performing trio. The guys played on and it was just too good of a performance to stop.
There had been some discussion about which cover to perform: Dreams or Electric Feel? They landed on Electric Feel and then while playing they recognized the natural transition to continue on with Dreams. You’ll note this moment and it’s so fun when they have the realization, and as they true musicians they are, they simply don’t miss a beat.
I hope you enjoy this session as much as I did. It was definitely a favorite.
One way or another, these songs were inspired by this month’s featured artist. Enjoy!