Anna Mertson
August 2024
Anna Mertson’s unique style is a result of blending together elements from various spaces, places, and genres. Her sound is best described as a melodic blend of country, folk, blues and feeling with lyrics surrounding a myriad of subjects ranging from folk traditions to her own compelling thoughts.
Anna grew up in a small North Carolina town in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. She remembers being young and playing guitar with her late grandfather. They would sit in the living room of her grandparent’s house with a red hymn book singing and playing for hours. She started in the church choir and eventually transitioned into performing solos. From there, her music career was born. She’s grateful that her roots continue to prove so inspirational for her music.
Set List
0:10 – “Not a Damn Thing”
3:59 – “Swamp Rose”
7:01 – “Picture on the Wall”
11:48 – “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac
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Let’s Talk, Anna!
Anna spent 2 years living abroad and is back in Winston intent on making a living as a musician. Her vibe trends towards country but she also allows influences of pop, rock, and blues to infiltrate her songwriting and it makes for a most welcome addition.
This session we talked about what it was like living in Europe for the first time, getting kicked out of a songwriting Facebook group, using music to heal, her degree in agricultural education, and her eye towards the future.
Chatting with her inspired me to consider learning a new instrument. Maybe guitar is next for me!
Anna has such a warm and positive presence, you just want to be around her, and after she sings, you just want to hear more.
Soul Session Convo with Anna Mertson
One way or another, these songs were inspired by this month’s featured artist. Enjoy!